Timber Machinery Maintenance
Your choice for Timber and Woodworking machinery service and repair nationwide.
We Specialise in the service and repair of Wadkin, SCM, Altendorf, Interwood, Multico, Sedgewick, Startrite, Robland, Mini-Max woodworking machinery and many more.
Timber Machinery Maintenance offers a comprehensive range of services to the woodworking machinery industry.
Mechanical repairs: Bearing and belt replacements, replacing broken castings setting and the calibration of machinery.
Electrical repairs: Fault finding and replacement of electrical components.
Servicing and Maintenance: Annual or six monthly services carried out at your convenience.
Supply of tooling: Quality bandsaw blades, sanding paper, mortise chisels and saw blades.
We work on Panel saws, Wall saws, Planer / Moulders, Spindle Moulders, Speed Sanders, Linishers, Disc Sanders, Bobbin Sanders, Pad Sanders, Planers, Planer / Thicknessers, Routers, Bandsaws, Tenoners, Mortisers, Radial Arm Saws From :
- Wadkin
- Altendorf
- Interwood
- Multico
- Dominion
- Mini Max
- Startrite
and many more.
Our extensive customer base includes:
- The NHS Trust
- City Council maintenance work shops
- Schools and colleges
- Stately homes (on site maintenance work shops)
- HM Prisons service
- Carpentry/joinery shops (Small and large)
- Shopfitting companies
- Stair manufacturing
- Display manufacturing companies
- Cabinet makers
- Plastic display firms
- Sign makers
- Door manufacturers
- Pattern and mould shops